Basic Critical Thinking for Software Developers
Posted on 18 Jan 2004 by Mr Ed
Vague Propositions
A term is called vague if it has a clear meaning but not a clearly
demarcated scope. Many arguments on usenet groups and forums stem from
the combatants having different interpretations of a vaguely stated
proposition. To avoid this sort of misunderstanding, before exploring
the truth of a given proposition either rhetorically or empirically,
you should first state that proposition as precisely as possible.
Consider this proposition:
P(1): Pair Programming works
If I were to voice that proposition on the Yahoo XP group, I would
expect it to receive enthusiastic endorsement. I would also expect no
one to point out that this proposition is non-falsifiable.
It is non-falsifiable because the terms "pair programming" and "works"
are so vague. There are an infinite number of scenarios that I could
legitimately label "pair programming", and an infinite number of
definitions of what it means for that practice to "work." Any specific
argument or evidence you might advance to disprove P(1) will imply a
particular set of definitions for these terms, which I can counter by
referencing a different set of definitions – thereby preserving P(1).
A vast number of arguments about software development techniques are no
more than heated and pointless exchanges fueled by imprecisely stated
propositions. There is little to be gained by discussing or
investigating a non-falsifiable proposition such as P(1). We need to
formulate the proposition more precisely before it becomes worthy of
serious consideration.
Let’s begin by rewording P(1) to clarify what we mean by "works":
P(2): Pair Programming results in better code
Now at least we know we’re talking about code as being the primary
determinant of whether pair programming works. However P(2) is now
implicitly relative, which is another common source of vagueness. An
implicitly relative statement makes a comparison with something without
specifying what that something is. Specifically, it proposes that pair
programming produces better code, but better code than what?
Let’s try again:
P(3): Pair Programming produces better code than that produced by individuals programming alone
P(3) is now explicitly relative, but still so vague as to be
non-falsifiable. We have not specified what attribute/s we consider
distinguish one piece of code as being "better" than another.
Suppose we think of defect density as being the measure of programmatic worth:
P(4): Pair programming produces code with a lower defect density than that produced by individuals programming alone
Now we’ve cleared up what we mean by the word "works" in P(1), let’s
address another common source of vagueness – quantifiers. A quantifier
is a term like "all", "some", "most" or "always". We tend to use
quantifiers very casually in conversation and frequently omit them
altogether. There is no explicit quantifier in P(4), so we do not know
whether the claimant is proposing that the benefits of pair programming
are always manifest, occasionally manifest, or just more often than
not. The quantifier chosen governs the strength of the resulting
proposition. If the proposition is intended as a hard generalization
(one that applies without exceptions), then a quantifier like "always"
or "never" is applicable. If the proposition is intended as a soft
generalization, then a quantifier like "usually" or "mostly" may be
Suppose P(4) was actually intended as a soft generalization:
P(5): Pair programming usually produces code with a lower defect density than that produced by individuals programming alone.
P(5) nearly sounds like it could be used as a hypothesis in an
empirical investigation. However the term "pair programming" is still
rather vague. If we don’t clarify it, we might conduct an experiment
that finds the defect density of pair programmed code to be higher than
that produced by individuals programming alone, only to find that
advocates of pair programming dismiss our experimental method as not
being real pair programming. In other words, the definition of the term
"pair programming" can be changed on an ad hoc basis to effectively
render P(5) non-falsifiable.
"Pair programming" is a vague term because it carries so many secondary
connotations. The primary connotations of the term are clear enough:
two programmers, a shared computer, one typing while the other advises.
But when we talk of pair programming we tend to assume other things
that are not amongst the primary connotations. These secondary
connotations need to be made explicit for the proposition to become
falsifiable. To the claimant, the term "pair programming" may have the
following secondary connotations:
- The pair partners contribute more or less equally, with neither one dominating the activity
- The pair partners get along with each other i.e. there is a minimum of unproductive conflict
- The benefits of pair programming are always manifest, but to
a degree that may vary with the experience and ability of the
particular individuals
To augment P(5) with all of these secondary connotations
will make for a very wordy statement. At some point we have to consider
what level of detail is appropriate for the context in which we are
voicing the proposition.
Non-Falsifiable Propositions
Why should we seek to refine a proposition to the point that it becomes
falsifiable? Because a proposition that can not be tested empirically
and thereby determined true or false is beyond the scrutiny of rational
thought and examination. This is precisely why such propositions are
often at the heart of irrational, pseudo-scientific and metaphysical
I contend that such beliefs have no place in the software engineering
domain because they inhibit the establishment of a shared body of
knowledge – one of the core features of a true profession. Instead,
they promote a miscellany of personal beliefs and superstitions. In
such circumstances, we cannot reliably interpret the experiences of
other practitioners because their belief systems color their perception
of their own experiences to an unknown extent. Our body of knowledge
degrades into a collective cry of "says who?".
Here are a few examples of non-falsifiable propositions that many would consider incredible:
- There is a long-necked marine animal living in Loch Ness
- The aliens have landed and walk amongst us perfectly disguised as humans
- Some people can detect the presence of water under the ground through use of a forked stick
Try as you might, you will never prove any of these propositions false.
No matter how many times you fail to find any evidence in support of
these propositions, it remains true that "absence of evidence is not
evidence of absence." If we are willing to entertain non-falsifiable
propositions such as these, then we admit the possibility of some very
fanciful notions indeed.
Here a few examples of non-falsifiable propositions that many would consider credible:
- Open source software is more reliable than commercial software
- Agile techniques are the future of software development
- OO programming is better than structured programming
These three propositions are, as they stand, just as worthless as the
three propositions preceding them. The subject areas they deal with may
well be fruitful areas of investigation, but you will only be able to
make progress in your investigations if you refine these propositions
into more specific and thereby falsifiable statements.
Engage Brain Before Engaging Flame Thrower
Vagueness and non-falsifiable propositions are the call to arms of
technical holy wars. When faced with a proposition that seems set to
ignite the passions of the zealots, a useful diffusing technique is to
identify the non-falsifiable proposition and then seek to refine it to
the point of being falsifiable. Often the resulting falsifiable
proposition is not nearly as exciting or controversial as the original
one, and zealots will call off the war due to lack of interest. Also,
the very act of argument reconstruction can be informative for all
parties to the dispute. For example:
Zealot: Real programmers use Emacs
Skeptic: How do you define a "real programmer"?
Z: A real programmer is someone who is highly skilled in writing code
S: So what you’re claiming is "people who are highly skilled in writing code use Emacs"?
Z: Correct
S: Are you claiming that such people always use Emacs?
Z: Well, maybe not all the time, but if they have the choice they’ll use Emacs
S: In other words, they prefer to use Emacs over other text editors?
Z: Yep
S: So you’re claim is really "people who are highly skilled in writing code prefer Emacs over other text editors"?
Z: Fair enough
S: Are you claiming that all highly skilled coders prefer Emacs, or
could there be some highly skilled coders that prefer other text
Z: I guess there might be a few weirdoes who use something else, but they’d be a minority
S: So you’re claim is really "Most people who are highly skilled in writing code prefer Emacs over other text editors"?
Z: Yep
S: Leaving aside the issue of how you define "highly skilled", what evidence do you have to support your proposition?
Z: Oh come on … everyone knows it’s true.
S: I don’t know it’s true, so clearly not everyone knows it’s true.
Z: Alright … I’m talking here about the programmers that I’ve worked with.
S: So are you saying that most of the highly-skilled programmers you’ve
worked with preferred Emacs, or that they shared your belief that most
highly-skilled programmers prefer Emacs?
Z: I’m talking about the editor they used, not their beliefs.
S: So your claim is really "Of the people I’ve worked with, those who
were highly skilled in writing code preferred to use Emacs over other
text editors".
Z: Yes! That’s what I’m saying, for goodness’ sake!
S: Not quite as dramatic as "real programmers use Emacs", is it?
You may find that it is not possible to get your opponent to formulate
a specific proposition. They may simply refuse to commit to any
specific claim at all. This reaction is common amongst charlatans and
con men. They only speak in abstract and inscrutable terms (sometimes
of their own invention), always keeping their claims vague enough to
deny disproof. They discourage scrutiny of their claims, preferring to
cast their vagueness as being mysterious and evidence of some deep,
unspoken wisdom. If they cannot provide you with a direct answer to the
question "What would it take to prove you wrong?" then you know you are
dealing with a non-falsifiable proposition, and your best option may
simply be to walk away.
Before engaging in any debate or investigation, ensure that the
proposition being considered is at least conceivably falsifiable. A
common feature of non-falsifiable propositions is vagueness.
Such propositions can be refined by:
- Defining any broad or novel terminology in the proposition
- Making implicit quantifiers explicit
- Making implicitly relative statements explicitly relative
- Making both primary and secondary connotations of the terminology explicit
printable version
Reader's Comments |
Posted on 19 Jan 2004 by grex
A well-written article. Thank-you, Mr Ed, for writing it.
when a claim is logically falsifiable, it may not be practically
falsifiable. I fundamentally agree with you, Mr Ed, that vague,
non-falsifiable claims are problematic .
Just bear in mind that the scientific method requires experimental
evidence, and in SE, this is frustratingly difficult to come by!
Consider logically falsifiable versions of the following vague claims:
Programmers using C++ have lower defect rates per KSLOC than programmers using Java.
OOP is better than procedural programming.
many Java programmers would find the first claim ludicrous, and many
current university graduates would find the second claim self-evident.
But in fact neither claim has a body of experimental evidence to
support it. In the university CS/SE teaching world, OOP is "in"
although we have no real evidence that the OO "paradigm" results in
more reliable software artifacts than the procedural paradigm that
preceded it. (I say "we" because I myself teach SE at a university.)
Claim: In practice, it is very expensive
to experimentally verify the truth or falsity of claims that
methodology X is superior to methodology Y, for any logically
falsifiable metric. Consequently, experimental verification of
hypotheses seldom happens, even when it is logically possible.
(Reproducibility of results is yet another problem.)
For the
truth of the preceding claim, I point to the body of published software
engineering literature. Research is not cheap, particularly research
that carefully adheres to the scientific method.
Posted on 19 Jan 2004 by Will Sargent
For what it's worth, I did some research a few years ago and Victor
Basili did a study which showed that there was a minor increase in
productivity, by making students write a video rental system.
also writes about the Software Engineering Lab at NASA: the lab did a
number of projects under controlled conditions to see how OO projects
compared to the normal style.
specializes in something called "Empirical Software Engineering" which
tries to answer exactly these questions -- he's a great resource.
I wrote more about this here:
Posted on 19 Jan 2004 by Ilja Preuss
Let's apply the technique to your own article:
We need to formulate the proposition more precisely before it becomes worthy of serious consideration.
What exactly do you mean by serious consideration?
Posted on 19 Jan 2004 by Ilja Preuss
Sorry, that "p" should have been ...

Posted on 20 Jan 2004 by Mr Ed
nothing so delightful as taking hours to express an idea at length and
in detail, only to have someone like yourself make an ill-considered
one line reply; apparently labouring under the self-delusion that their
brevity is indicative of penetrating insight. 
I will afford you the courtesy you have denied me, by considering your response in detail.
If your intent is to highlight the fact that...
P(1): We need to formulate the proposition more precisely before it becomes worthy of serious consideration
... is itself non-falsifiable, then let's do it thoroughly.
The vague terms here are worthy and serious.
Both are implicitly relative - they are value judgements made with
respect to a value system. I would hope that the hundreds of words
either side of that statement in the post above might give away what
that value system is.
It is the value system of the scientific
community with regard to evidenciary standards. Specifically, that
empiricism and controlled experimenation are the preferred ways of
gathering knowledge.
To restate P(1) more precisely:
Software engineering is best served by pursuing the same evidenciary
standards as the scientific community, who favor knowledge that is
gathered by empirical investigation of a falsifiable proposition.
I think that's about as precise as needed for our purposes. P(2) is a statement of opinion
about what the software engineering community should admit as being
factual. My belief in this opinion stems from observation of the
benefits it has brought to the sciences and other branches of
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