Photo Adventures with Curiosity and Learning

April 23, 2010: Home to Singpaore with SIA and Ellen

Our SQ 21 Flight Path - a polar route

New York City and the GW Bridge

apr 23 6518 nyc gw bridge

apr 23 6526 nyc gw bridge

apr 23 6531 nyc gw bridge

apr 23 6535 nyc gw bridge

apr 23 6558 sq21

Sunrise over the Northwest Passage

apr 24 6618 sunrise

apr 24 6627 sunrise

Sunset over Siberia

apr 25 6644 sunset

apr 25 6666 sunset

apr 25 6673 sunset wing

apr 25 6705 sunset

apr 25 6709 sunset

apr 25 6724 sunset


apr 25 6733 moonset

apr 25 6738 moonset

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

C. Frank Starmer
