Photo Adventures with Curiosity and Learning

August 30, 2009: A Flickr sunrise at Sembawang Park

A rather large (7MB) animated gif of the sunrise - organized by Colleen and her Macro Maniacs of Singapore

Sunrise Aug 30, Straits of Johor

The animated gif and the mpg video were made using an ImageMagick utility, convert, which does all things. Click to download mpg video (.5 MB)

#How to build a video (mpg of animated gif) from a sequence of files.  
#First I make a subdirectory where I copy the images (avoid destroying the originals)
#In this case the files are unprocessed Nikon images: dsc_????.jpg where ???? 
#is the image number.  The following code is in a script file: make_video.  
#I put this in the video directory and then execute it. Takes a few min to build the video
for i in dsc*.jpg
echo $i
#convert -despeckle $i tmp
#convert tmp  -gamma 1.25 $i 
convert -unsharp "3.0 0.5 0.0" $i tmp
convert -resize 640 tmp $i
convert -delay 25 -size 640x480 dsc_*.jpg aug_30_singapore_sunrise.mpg
convert -delay 25 -size 640x480 dsc_*.jpg aug_30_singapore_sunrise.gif

A view of Malaysia in the early morning - and Saturn in the upper left

aug 30 0199 sunrise lights

The loading dock next door

aug 30 0203 ship dock

Early sunrise

aug 30 0288 malaysia sunrise

The start of sunrise

aug 30 0291 sunrise start

Sunrise birds

aug 30 0301 sunrise birds

First reflected sunlight

aug 30 0303 first rays

Second reflected sunlight

aug 30 0306 second rays

Third reflected sunlight

aug 30 0316 third rays

Fourth reflected sunlight

aug 30 0327 forth rays

Progress with the sunrise

aug 30 0309 sunrise

aug 30 0311 sunrise

aug 30 0312 sunrise

Flying over the sun

aug 30 0313 sunrise flight close

Sun without aircraft

Sunrise at Sembawang

Flying under the sun (obscured by the clouds)

aug 30 0353 morning flight

aug 30 0354 morning flight

aug 30 0355 morning flight

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

C. Frank Starmer
