Photo Adventures with Curiosity and Learning

December 24, 2009: A Birthday dinner for Ellen

This was Ellen's birthday - and I better get it right. Fiona and Anthony proposed (back in July) that I try a new idea - a romantic dinner in the middle of a pond of lotus plants with our own chef and staff. I agreed. We ate by candle light - and it was amazing. Here is the entrance

dec 24 3108 entrance

Ellen and Pisey and ?. Pisey was our hostess and was absolutely perfect

dec 24 3080 ellen pisey

Here is the kitchen

dec 24 3082 ellen kitchen

Our music man from the nearby village

dec 24 3085 music man

The staff

dec 24 3086 staff

The pavilion by day

Sojourn pavilion

Pisey and the runway to our romantic dining spot

dec 24 3090 pisey runway

The runway

dec 24 3091 runway

The kitchen

dec 24 3095 kitchen

Frank and Ellen

dec 24 3102 frank ellen

Looking back toward the kitchen

dec 24 3105 looking back

When we finished, we walked back to our bungalow - and found that there were candles lighting the way

dec 24 3113 candle home

Then inside, our bed was decorated with a heart of orchids

dec 24 3120 bed

Another view

dec 24 3123 bed

And off to the side, another floral heart and candle. A perfect evening

dec 24 3128 heart

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

C. Frank Starmer
