Photo Adventures with Curiosity and Learning

Photos from a visit with Grandmother, Plant City Florida, Dec 30, 2004

The photo opportunities around Walden Lake in Plant City are fantastic and the fresh water springs make interesting underwater photo opportunities. The morning light, the blue herons, the spiders (when in season) and reflections. Josh phoned, back from Europe, but without luggage. So here is a present for Josh and Bibi whose luggage is experiencing the joy of US Air in Philadelphia - These are some early morning, quiet and restful images

We came from Jekyll Island where I made some photos of "stuff". The weather was terrible but the sea interesting.

lonely beach

And I played with colorizing it

lonely beach

A lonely piece of driftwood and


the sea and a blackbird reflection in the early morning sun

tide blackbird

flying birds

flying birds

Now at Walden Lake - an Early Morning Blue Heron and reflection (of course)


This is the upsidedown image of the reflection of ducks and a tree in the lake. It was an accident, then I decided I liked this inversion better than the right-side-up image. Below is the original and the cropped and inverted images. Copy them and play with them and see what you come up with.



An empty and lonely park bench - early morning of course


A lonely tree


My First Reflection on Early Morning Ducks

morning_duck_2.jpg morning_duck.jpg

Reflections on Early Morning Ducks


More Reflections on Early Morning Ducks


A white bird


A self portrait


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

C. Frank Starmer
