Photo Adventures with Curiosity and Learning

May 20, 2011:Colorful Damselflies

Big orb web in the morning sun

may 20 7232 big orb web

A suspended flower

may 20 7238 suspended flower

Suspended by a silk thread

may 20 7250 suspended by silk tread

Blue damselfly

may 20 7258 blue damselfly

Orange damselfly

may 20 7269 orange damselfly

Orange damselfly

may 20 7276 orange damselfly

Our neighbor's lily

may 20 7284 yellow lily

Later - a bird walking about

may 20 7304 water bird walking

A big white bird

may 20 7314 big white bird

A big white bird hunting

may 20 7316 big white bird

A big white bird prospecting

may 20 7337 big white bird


may 20 7340 takeoff

Flying on water

may 20 7341 walking on water

Jumping spider in the same web as the Basilica spider

may 20 7352 jumping spider at basilica

Another view

may 20 7388 jumper

may 20 7391 jumper

Some sort of long jawed something

may 20 7400 long jawed something

Dome and female basilica spider

may 20 7404 dome female basilica

Wet dome (I sprayed with water)

may 20 7407 basilica wet dome

Gaussian web - not as dramatic as the Singapore web's I've seen

may 20 7421 gaussian web

Dorsal side of the Basilica spider

may 20 7449 dorsal basilica

Dome, madam and egg sac

may 20 7457 dome basilica egg sac

Mesh structure

may 20 7458 mesh dome

Basilica hiding

may 20 7484 basilica hiding

Dorsal presentation

may 20 7496 basilica dorsal


may 20 7502 basilica dome

White egrets (I think) - mom and kids - as I was walking home

may 20 7536 mom kid white egrets

Three birds

may 20 7541 3 birds


may 20 7542 takeoff


may 20 7544 flying

Big bird flying

may 20 7545 big bird flying

Big bird flying

may 20 7546 big bird flying

Three young birds

may 20 7552 3 young birds

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

C. Frank Starmer
