Photo Adventures with Curiosity and Learning

November 02, 2011:Mating Damselflies

nov 02 3884 turtle reflections

nov 02 3906 pink flower

nov 02 3909 pink stamen

nov 02 3918 daisy

nov 02 3925 leucauge

nov 02 3930 leucauge side

nov 02 3963 fern leaves

nov 02 3999 mating damselflies

nov 02 4015 mating damselflies

nov 02 4017 mating damselflies

nov 02 4046 mating damselflies

nov 02 4060 mating damselflies

nov 02 4063 mating damselflies

nov 02 4071 mating damselflies

nov 02 4091 mating damselflies

nov 02 4101 mating damselflies

nov 02 4103 mating damselflies

nov 02 4121 two birds

nov 02 4128 two birds

nov 02 4130 bird hunting

nov 02 4135 two birds

nov 02 4143 marching egrets

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

C. Frank Starmer
