Photo Adventures with Curiosity and Learning

November 05, 2015: Argiope aurantia, Gasteracantha cancriformis and Mecaphesa celer

I thought I would be able to video the A. aurantia weaving her web and painting her stabilimenta. In the past, she has done this near sunrise. But this morning - an hour befores sunrise, she had completed her housekeeping. So is it possible that she does not know about daylight savings time and her housekeeping is done by real clock time? I'll try again tomorrow - earlier.

The morning starts with tracking the migration of Venus, Jupiter and Mars

nov 05 2493 jupiter venus mars label

nov 05 2497 big dipper polaris label

nov 05 2500 orion sirius label

nov 05 2505 cetus label

Her completed web

nov 05 6420 argiope aurantia

Her screen and stabilimenta

nov 05 6421 weaving complete


nov 05 6424 neoscona

Tetragnatha and a midge for breakfast

nov 05 6426 tetragnatha midge

Gasteracantha the eyes are hidden - need to figure out how to emphasize her eyes

nov 05 6437 gasteracantha

Mecaphesa celer stalking a leaf hopper

nov 05 6439 catching leaf hopper

Mecaphesa celer stalking a leaf hopper

nov 05 6441 crab catching leaf hopper

Mecaphesa celer in her capture posture

nov 05 6447 misumenops celer

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

C. Frank Starmer
